Friday, May 25, 2012

Timeout for ADHD

Alternative treatments for ADHD can be the best option for some kids struggling with the disorder. Natural remedies for ADHD come with virtually no side effects and are very safe.
Timeout is an alternative treatment made from a proprietary blend of extracts of motherwort and rhodiola combined with syrup water along with natural fructose and stevia to naturally sweeten the mixture. Motherwort and rhodiola have documented, beneficial effects on the Central Nervous system and are completely safe.
The motherwart plant has a calming, sedative effect, as well as anti-anxiety characteristics. This is very helpful in treating ADHD, as being calm really influences the ability to be able to focus. Motherwart has a calming effect that is just as strong as the calming effect felt from the well-known anti-anxiety plant valerian root, but does not come with the possible side effects associated with prolonged use of valerian root.
The other main element in Timeout, rhodiola, is a popular plant used in traditional Eastern medicine, like Tibetan and Chinese medicines, and in Scandinavian and Russian medicines as well.
Rhodiola belongs to the adaptogenic plant category. These plants differ from stimulant plants because their extracts help cells utilize energy with more efficiency by producing energy carrying chemicals, whereas stimulants work by producing cells that consume large amounts of energy. This means that adaptogenic plants like rhodiola help more in the nourishment of the cells, and particularly, with brain cells.
There have been studies showing that rhodiola activates neurotransmitter activity in the Central Nervous system, which may affect the availability of serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine and acetylcholine in brain cells. Clinical and laboratory research strongly supports the use of rhodiola in treating ADHD. Just a single dose of this plant extract has antidepressant, anti-anxiety and performance enhancing affects. It can also help with learning skills like memorization, and helps in adjusting to stressful environments. And unlike stimulants, rhodiola helps to improve heart function by preventing abnormal heartbeats. This can be attributed to effective energy utilization of the heart cells.
If you’re struggling to help treat a child with ADHD, consider Timeout. Its natural formula is safe and has proven beneficial effects which may be the perfect treatment for a child with ADHD.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Causes for Colicky Infants

There are various theories about colic in babies, so there does not seem to be one single cause that medical experts can agree on for colic. Regardless, there is lots of evidence to suggest that colic is caused for different reasons in babies. It seems that when certain possible factors occur simultaneously, babies are likely to experience the colic pain and discomfort.
1. The digestive system in newborns is immature, as it has never processed food before. Therefore, infants’ gastrointestinal system is just learning how to function at birth. The muscles that assist in digestion have not developed the proper rhythm for efficiently pushing food through the digestive tract. In addition, infants do not have a sufficient built up amount of probiotics, or bacterial flora that develops over time to help with digestion. Once babies have built up enough of this bacterial flora, they are likely to outgrow their colic within about their first six months.
2. Also, mothers who are lactating could consumer certain foods containing chemicals or allergens that, for some babies, results in colic symptoms and an upset digestive system. When lactating, trace amounts of elements of cruciferous vegetables and other gas producing foods could be passed to the infant from breast milk, causing bloating and gas for the baby.
3. Finally, it is common for infants to swallow air when crying or eating, which makes their gas and bloating worse. This adds to their discomfort and assists in colic.
It is very likely that because infants have such immature nervous systems, they could easily become overwhelmed when exposed to new and unfamiliar sights and sounds. For these infants who are more overloaded with these new sights and sounds, their fussiness, colic, and difficulty being able to nap or sleep through the night, becomes an issue. Usually, infants have a higher chance of being colicky and fussy if they are exposed to an overwhelming amount of activities, like errands, the television, phones, visitors, etc.
While there is no single cause for colic, this information can be helpful in discovering the causes of a fussy, colicky baby. Read more about the PediaCalm™ - Baby Colic Remedy.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Understanding ADHD in Children

ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a behavioral disorder that creates abnormal levels of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. These symptoms can really affect a child’s day-to-day activities.
About a century ago, ADHD was considered a disorder, which caused unruly behavior and hyperactivity, mostly observed in boys. Then, it was noticed that in children recovering from the viral brain infection known as encephalitis, attention dysfunction and conduct behavior issues were frequently occurring. However, some children who were never diagnosed with encephalitis also showed these kinds of systems and were then labeled to have “Minimum or Minimal Brain Dysfunction.” This title, including other terms, such as, “hyperkinetic syndrome” were given to children before the 1970s, that today we would state as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Today, about 3-9% of young people in the country have been affected by ADHD. Interestingly, there is about a 3:1 boy to girl ratio with ADHD. While the disorder is usually associated with children, ADHD also affects many adults. It is estimated that about half of all children diagnosed with ADHD do not fully outgrow the disorder, as 3-5% of adults over the age of 20 have the disorder.
In regards to treatment, about 3.5 million adolescents between the ages of 3 and 19 have been subscribed psychostimulant medication. As a child ages, hyperactivity may decrease yet lingering hyperactive symptoms will still affect the child’s life as an adult. Struggling with time management, quality sleep, frustration and self-motivation are some of the symptoms that can affect adults who, was diagnosed with ADHD as children.
Luckily, there is a variety of medications as well as natural, alternative treatments for ADHD available today. It is important to learn about these various treatments and try the ones you feel would be the best options for your child. With the right treatment, ADHD can be effectively controlled and your child can live a normal, healthy life! For more information, visit Timeout – Attention Deficit Remedy