Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Causes for Colicky Infants

There are various theories about colic in babies, so there does not seem to be one single cause that medical experts can agree on for colic. Regardless, there is lots of evidence to suggest that colic is caused for different reasons in babies. It seems that when certain possible factors occur simultaneously, babies are likely to experience the colic pain and discomfort.
1. The digestive system in newborns is immature, as it has never processed food before. Therefore, infants’ gastrointestinal system is just learning how to function at birth. The muscles that assist in digestion have not developed the proper rhythm for efficiently pushing food through the digestive tract. In addition, infants do not have a sufficient built up amount of probiotics, or bacterial flora that develops over time to help with digestion. Once babies have built up enough of this bacterial flora, they are likely to outgrow their colic within about their first six months.
2. Also, mothers who are lactating could consumer certain foods containing chemicals or allergens that, for some babies, results in colic symptoms and an upset digestive system. When lactating, trace amounts of elements of cruciferous vegetables and other gas producing foods could be passed to the infant from breast milk, causing bloating and gas for the baby.
3. Finally, it is common for infants to swallow air when crying or eating, which makes their gas and bloating worse. This adds to their discomfort and assists in colic.
It is very likely that because infants have such immature nervous systems, they could easily become overwhelmed when exposed to new and unfamiliar sights and sounds. For these infants who are more overloaded with these new sights and sounds, their fussiness, colic, and difficulty being able to nap or sleep through the night, becomes an issue. Usually, infants have a higher chance of being colicky and fussy if they are exposed to an overwhelming amount of activities, like errands, the television, phones, visitors, etc.
While there is no single cause for colic, this information can be helpful in discovering the causes of a fussy, colicky baby. Read more about the PediaCalm™ - Baby Colic Remedy.